My current main scope is a Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX III. This is the US-Version, which has instead of the Captainswheel a very precise and smooth Camerarotator. I also own the Reducer and the Extender from Takahashi for that scope, to be more flexible.

I‘m very satisfied with this Refractor.

No long time ago, I had the chance to buy a unused „used“ MACH 1.

What should I say, about this mount. It is like coming home after a long time of travelling through the whole world. It‘s such a Masterpiece !!! After a short period of time, you will feel very familar with the Handcontroller and the whole rest of the mount.

It is the first mount,  I've never regreted to get one.

To get a better resolution ratios with my fast FSQ106EDXIII I bought a QSI583wsg. The better resolution can be reached because of the small pixels (5,4my) from the KAF8300. After several nights, working with that camera, I must say, that I never had a better one as far as the SN-Ratio and the whole electronics is concerned. A real keeper !

For WF-Imaging I mostly use SBIG‘s STL11K. I think, I must not say anything about this camera - it‘s a living legend !

For the Takahashi FSQ106EDXIII the Robofocus solution is a cool and very precise solution.

All of my 2“ Filters (LRGB,OIII,SII,HA) are from Astronomik. The next generation is halo free.

To get the realy faint stuff, I use the amazing 3nm Astrodon Narrowband Fiilters .

For WF-Imaging I bought the original Canon EOS 60Da.

I think, it is a cool camera. The starcolors are amazing

and the HA-Regions pop out realy nice.

Starlight Xpress OCULUS - all Sky CCD Camera for my Remote OBS

Remote Roll-Off Roof

in late 2011 I started the project and now, summer 2013 she is online now


To get fully Remote capability, I decided to get the Astrodon TAKometer as a very slim Camera Rotator.